Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Assignment 3 Problem 2.3


Problem 2.3
Discuss the spectrum of engineering job function with regard to such factors as (a) need for advanced education, (b) intellectual challenge and satisfaction, (c) financial reward, (d) opportunity for career advancement, and (e) people versus thing orientation.

Engineering job function
  •    Engineering is the professional art of applying science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to benefit man and organization
  • Engineer capable to handle variety of field that can be analyze, develop and evaluate large scale complex systems
  •  Responsible to make decision on important aspect, material selection and evaluate the process and the procedure.
  •  Engineering is an art requiring the judgment necessary to adapt knowledge to practical purposes, the imagination to conceive original solutions to problems, and the ability to predict performance and cost of new devices or processes.


      a) Need for advanced education
An engineer must prepare themselves with knowledge of sciences and application, so can solve any problem. The engineer must have the basic education about engineering at least have university diploma or degree (undergraduate curriculum). During this time they can learn new theories and develop new technique that can help in the future.

Furthermore, in engineering, graduate study is characterized by highly sophisticated concepts, more advanced mathematics, greater depth in special topics, more opportunity for individual work, and less dependence on formal courses.

Lastly, are modern trends, early engineers were trained by apprenticeship to a skilled practitioner. As the body of knowledge gained by observation, testing, and research increased, organized programmes of study were initiated in established institutions the engineer can be train by apprentice. Engineer required a lot of skill because the engineering filed is so vast, so it is an advantage to engineer with various skill and experiences.

     b)  Intellectual challenge and satisfaction
  • Engineer need to make big decision which the best among other and can convince their subordinate to follow the decision
  • Have high confidence to deal problems effectively
  •  Manage to control their co worker with have different background to work as a team        
  • Facing many challenges in order to solve the problems before make crucial decisions.  
  • Responsibility to decide on priorities, establishes performance criteria, select materials and processes, and specifies evaluation procedures.                

     c) Financial reward

Financial reward is important as reward or sign of gratitude from the organization that have contributed.  Reward also can give motivate the employees to give the best effort and stay loyal to the organization. The employees can earn financial rewards as a result of good performance. All financial rewards are extrinsic. Furthermore, the rewards are aligned with organization goals

     dOpportunity for career advancement
  • With career path clear, it can be motivated to improve them self  to achieve the goals       
  •  With unclear path, its tend to be less motivated which poor performances
  •   Components of effective career advancement were expanding employees’ skill, acknowledge their contribution through reward and promotion and give an opportunity to take additional responsibility.        

      e) People versus thing orientation
  •   In term of sex differences, men orienting toward thing more than women and women generally orienting towards people more than men
  • Thing orientation is related to occupational choices, psychopathology and social behaviour
  • To provide substantial evidence that the person and thing orientation are consequential for human interaction and connection


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