Thursday, March 31, 2016

Questionnaire assignment


We are from Bruders engineering currently conducting a research on an automatic iron machine. In this survey, we would like to gain information on how satisfied you are with the existing iron technology. This survey should only take 5 minutes and your responses are completely anonymous. If you have any inquiries, please email us at
We really appreciate your input. Thank you!

Instructions: Please put a tick in the box next to the answer of your choice.

         17 or younger      
         18 – 30                       
         31 – 45
         46 – 60

  Male         Female            

 Single       Married

1. What type of iron do you have?
    Electrical iron                                     
    Traditional iron                                              
    Steam Iron                 

2. What type of iron do you prefer?
   Electrical iron
   Traditional iron
   Steam iron

3.  How long do you take when ironing your cloth?
   5 – 10 minutes
10 – 15 minutes
15 – 20 minutes
   More than 20 minutes

4. How often you use the iron in a week?
   More than 3

5. How many cloth per session?
    More than 3

6. What criteria do you think is important for an iron?
     Safety feature            
    Energy Efficiency

7.  Have you ever got hurt when using an iron?

8. Have you ever burnt your cloth when using an iron?

9. Which of the following words would you use to describe our products?
   Select all that apply.
   Good value for money                       

10.  How well do you think our products meet your needs?
   extremely well
   Very well
   Not so well
   Not at all well

11.  Which would be your preferences for our product?
  Use as service machine                      
  Buy the machine                    

12.  What is the main factor of your choices?
   Safety feature

13.  How likely is it that you would recommend this product to a friend or

   Most likely
Not likely

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Problem 3.10:
A product design team is designing an improved flip-lid trash can such as that which
would be found in a family kitchen. The problem statement is as follows:
Design a user-friendly, durable, flip-lid trash can that opens and closes reliably. The
trash can must be lightweight yet tip-resistant. It must combat odor, fi t standard
kitchen trash bags, and be safe for all users in a family environment.
Write a product design specification for the flip-lid trash.

Product Title: Improved flip-lid trash can.

The product design specification (PDS) is a documented of problem definition activity very early in the design process. It indicates the details of the requirements needed in order for the product or process to be successful.  The document describes all the engineering design activities and ensure all relevant factors are accounted for and all stakeholders are heard from.

A. Purpose.

Flip-lid trash can is a basket for disposal waste. The purpose of the design is to develop an improved flip-lid trash can with a few new features and functionality. The product is same as others but with some modifications to improve the functionality.

B. Special Features.

Features for an improved flip-lid trash can as follows:

  •   Durable.
  • Flip-lid that can open and close reliably.
  • Combat odour.
  • Tip resistant.
  •  Lightweight.
  • Affordable. 
  • Environmental friendly.
  • User friendly.

C. Physical Description.

The flip-lid trash can will have modification on the upper part which is the lid. The modification is to make the lid to be easily open and close. The material used is plastic and it comes with various colors such as black, red and white. The dimension of the flip-lid trash can is 400 x 200 x 350 mm and its weight is 1.5 kg.

D. Cost.

  •  Product cost to manufacture : < RM 10  per trash can.
  •  Product cost per unit : RM 15
  •  Profit per unit : RM 5

E. Life-cycle.

  •  The product is intended to be last more than 5 years.

F. Intended Market.

  •  It is intended for household, schools and office environment.

G. Manufacturing specifications.

  •    All parts are made in Malaysia.

H. Social, Political, Legal and Ethical Requirements.

  •  ISO 9000 (Quality Management System).
  • ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System).
  •  OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Information)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Assignment 3 Problem 2.3


Problem 2.3
Discuss the spectrum of engineering job function with regard to such factors as (a) need for advanced education, (b) intellectual challenge and satisfaction, (c) financial reward, (d) opportunity for career advancement, and (e) people versus thing orientation.

Engineering job function
  •    Engineering is the professional art of applying science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to benefit man and organization
  • Engineer capable to handle variety of field that can be analyze, develop and evaluate large scale complex systems
  •  Responsible to make decision on important aspect, material selection and evaluate the process and the procedure.
  •  Engineering is an art requiring the judgment necessary to adapt knowledge to practical purposes, the imagination to conceive original solutions to problems, and the ability to predict performance and cost of new devices or processes.


      a) Need for advanced education
An engineer must prepare themselves with knowledge of sciences and application, so can solve any problem. The engineer must have the basic education about engineering at least have university diploma or degree (undergraduate curriculum). During this time they can learn new theories and develop new technique that can help in the future.

Furthermore, in engineering, graduate study is characterized by highly sophisticated concepts, more advanced mathematics, greater depth in special topics, more opportunity for individual work, and less dependence on formal courses.

Lastly, are modern trends, early engineers were trained by apprenticeship to a skilled practitioner. As the body of knowledge gained by observation, testing, and research increased, organized programmes of study were initiated in established institutions the engineer can be train by apprentice. Engineer required a lot of skill because the engineering filed is so vast, so it is an advantage to engineer with various skill and experiences.

     b)  Intellectual challenge and satisfaction
  • Engineer need to make big decision which the best among other and can convince their subordinate to follow the decision
  • Have high confidence to deal problems effectively
  •  Manage to control their co worker with have different background to work as a team        
  • Facing many challenges in order to solve the problems before make crucial decisions.  
  • Responsibility to decide on priorities, establishes performance criteria, select materials and processes, and specifies evaluation procedures.                

     c) Financial reward

Financial reward is important as reward or sign of gratitude from the organization that have contributed.  Reward also can give motivate the employees to give the best effort and stay loyal to the organization. The employees can earn financial rewards as a result of good performance. All financial rewards are extrinsic. Furthermore, the rewards are aligned with organization goals

     dOpportunity for career advancement
  • With career path clear, it can be motivated to improve them self  to achieve the goals       
  •  With unclear path, its tend to be less motivated which poor performances
  •   Components of effective career advancement were expanding employees’ skill, acknowledge their contribution through reward and promotion and give an opportunity to take additional responsibility.        

      e) People versus thing orientation
  •   In term of sex differences, men orienting toward thing more than women and women generally orienting towards people more than men
  • Thing orientation is related to occupational choices, psychopathology and social behaviour
  • To provide substantial evidence that the person and thing orientation are consequential for human interaction and connection


Tuesday, March 1, 2016



Question 1.6

The support of thin steel strip on a cushion of air introduces exciting prospects for the processing and handling of coated steel strip. Develop a feasibility analysis for the concept.

1. Problem Statement

The finishing line surface of coated steel strip can experience surface defects and unstable running due to the vibration that exists during the process.To prevent the the effects from the vibration ,we need to make sure that the strip run steadily without vibration and without support by the rolls

2. Objectives

  • To reduce the vibration on the strip.
  • Get proper theory on the effect of the air cushion method on the prevention of the strip vibration
  • To study the the processing and handling of coated steel strip.
  • To find solution to make sure a stable running of a steel strip.

3. Explanation of existing solution

To lessen the vibration, engineers depend on air cushions. Designs for the most part utilize air cushion for end-of-stroke damping in these cases. There are two sorts of air cushioning, which are traditional and computerized. Air cushion are variable-opening air dashpots. As the barrel cycles, a spud on either side of the cylinder shuts an entry to the fundamental cylinder chamber. This traps air in the chamber end top and drains it off through a little port controlled by a needle valve. The barrel traps an altered volume of air every cycle. But since air is compressible, the weight, heap, and speed in the chamber all influence air-cushion execution.

4. Explanation Theory

In conventional air cushioning, these are not attach and-play equipment. Professionals maintenance specialists must conform the air-pad valves, and that relies on upon the barrel's working weight, speed, and load. The cushion will be needed to be reset if any of these parameters are changed or else it can decrease the productivity of the machine and experience failure due to overload impact.
Another kind of air cushion naturally adjusts to developing conditions, dispensing with the problems on manual modification. It can expand efficiency and lessen the costs. Self adjusting cushion has developed in purpose to eliminate the manual modification. The fact is, the only difference is that they work the same way as the air cushion, but the padding air depletes through indents in the padding cylinder, not past a movable needle valve.

5. Advantages

Self-adjusting end-position cushions offer several advantages over other designs. Manually adjusting the end-position damping of linear actuators is time consuming and can only be done effectively once the actuator is installed and operating under load. By then, the automation-equipment supplier is invariably under pressure to complete the task as quickly as possible.Adjustment also frequently involves two people — one to operate the appropriate pneumatic valve, the other to set the actuator’s damping characteristics. As with all moving parts, access can be potentially hazardous, so safety considerations dictate that only experienced personnel should perform these operations.And the reality is, different people set the valves differently. That often means actuators are less-than-perfectly adjusted. Underdamping results in higher end-position impacts, more noise, and increased wear; overdamping results in longer machine cycle times.

6. Disadvantages

Cannot be used when the cylinder is operated at its limits
(heavy loads, very high or low speeds).

7. Any other of possible solution

Another way to reduce vibration is by using the magnetic damping. Magnetic damping is a form of damping occurs when a magnetic field move across a conductor. The flow of the electrons in the conductor creates an opposing magnetic field and the movement of magnetic field induce an eddy current which result in damping of the magnet. Strong magnet can be produced if we use such a rare earth metal like neodymium as the source of magnet and we can clearly observe the magnetic damping phenomenon.